God does incredible things when His people pray. Chains are broken, lives are healed, futures are transformed, and souls are saved.
New Delhi is a place of great darkness, but we are counting on God to change that. Join us in prayer for this city. If you would like to receive prayer updates from Metro or get connected with a specific missionary or ministry in Delhi, email us at info@metroeffect.org.

You can make a huge difference in the life of a missionary from right where you are. Missionary life gets lonely, and it's easy for missionaries to feel like they are forgotten. But you can be a source of joy and practical help in their lives.
Send encouraging messages and cards. Build care packages filled with the missionary's favorite things from America. Help missionaries find housing and transportation, when they are on home assignment in America.
For specific missionary contact information, email us at info@metroeffect.org.
It doesn't take a lot of money to make an incredible difference in an unreached city. Support a missionary or give towards a project, such as a school for poor children or Bibles for pastors. Giving gets even better when we rally others to give with us. We've seen the entire culture of schools and youth groups radically change for Christ becuase of 1 or 2 passionate people championing the cause of missional giving.